September 15, 2018 archive

Milk versus Milk

Full disclosure: I am a dairy farmer’s granddaughter. Most of our neighbors when I was growing up had dairy farms. As an animal science major, I worked on dairy research and had to collect milk samples at the Cornell Teaching and Research Center at 4 in the morning for two weeks for one experiment. Now …

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Raspberry and Figgy Goodness

Inspiration can strike at odd times. In my case, it usually strikes between 5 and 7 am. Yesterday I was rummaging in the refrigerator for breakfast when I noticed the figs and raspberries we’d bought the other night. The neurons started firing: A fruit salad for lunch. I washed a handful of raspberries and mixed …

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Welcome to the Rainy Season

Last winter and spring were very wet. We just slogged through one of the hottest and driest summers on record. Now the rain is back. How long will it take before the locals start complaining about the rain? [Note: This is the 500th post for Edible Thoughts! Thanks for reading and following along with the …

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