September 2018 archive

The Cult of Shoes that Fit

Several of my friends and colleagues belong to the Cult of Cute Shoes. They have 8-8 1/2 medium feet, which means they can walk into any shoe store and find what they want. Meanwhile, I have size 10-10 1/2 narrow feet. Two of my former roommates have the same dilemma. Therefore, I’m proposing a new …

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The Heavy Equipment

Okay, I’ve given my advice on kitchen gadgets. Now it’s time to talk about cookware and baking gear. You can spend lots of money on these items when you may be able to get away with a more reasonably priced set. Again, the first consideration is what you do in the kitchen. Do you use …

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Deconstructed Chiles Relleños

Hatch chiles have arrived in Seattle. These are the state chiles of New Mexico, and come in medium and hot varieties. (This is by New Mexico standards. By Seattle standards, Hatches come in hot and incendiary varieties.) Central Market offered a recipe for chiles relleños using Hatches. It looked feasible and didn’t require deep-frying. Hatches …

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Power Tools!

Now we get to the Tim Allen/Home Improvement part of arming your kitchen. Some people love kitchen electrical gadgets. Others eschew them. We are in the middle camp. Our main consideration: Will we use this appliance  enough to grant it precious space on our counter or in our cabinet? Here are a few other factors …

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Arming Your Kitchen

Over the years we’ve accumulated a large batterie de cuisine, armaments to wage battle against ingredients to make meals. I’ve come a long way from the time a former roommate and I beat egg whites for a soufflé – with a fork. It worked, but our arms were mighty sore afterward. Since we all have …

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Inspecting Kitchen Gadgets

These are a few gadgets we have in our kitchen. They’re all quite useful for their purposes. However, to paraphrase an old Sesame Street song, “Some of these things are not like the others.” The difference? Ease of cleaning. The items on the left are dishwasher safe, the ones on the right less so. In …

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Thought for Friday

I was at work, so I couldn’t watch more than snippets of Aretha Franklin’s memorial service last night. This morning when I opened the article on The New York Times on her service, I read these lines from Stevie Wonder: “Please remember the greatest gift that we’ve been given in life itself is love,” he …

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