Take a Knee – PLEASE

Preferably my left one. Thursday morning I stood up and the knee locked. I eventually got it loosened up, but it locked up several more times during the day. A reverse house call to our friend Bruce resulted in a tentative diagnosis of a joint mouse, a small bit of cartilage or bone floating around in the knee and wreaking havoc.

The mouse can be removed arthroscopically – provided I can see an orthopedic surgeon. The next day I tried to get an appointment, but all three I contacted weren’t available. The closest thing I could get was an appointment with a physician’s assistant tomorrow. At least I can get the MRI scheduled. The bigger issue is that we’re leaving on vacation to Paris in less than three weeks. With Thanksgiving in the way, time is tight. The thought of sitting in an apartment in Paris while Julian’s off taking pictures is NOT my idea of a vacation.

The exam and the MRI were done today. The working diagnosis, based on the exam and x-rays, is a torn meniscus. I’m waiting to hear the results of the MRI.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2018/11/18/take-a-knee-please/

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