November 22, 2018 archive

Today’s Feast

Thanksgiving is time for tradition with a twist. I made the usual cranberry-orange relish. I also made applesauce. Most of the apples were Braeburns, but I tossed in a Pink Lady and a Fuji that were languishing in the fruit drawer. This year’s twist: Later on I’ll roast some delicata squash, using a method I …

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We are thankful to have a home that overlooks a river and a park, particularly at this time of year. The bald eagles are back from summering in the mountains. Mergansers and cormorants also return. The herons, mallards, and Canada geese are here year round, although I’ve yet to see the snow goose that slums …

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Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is still my favorite holiday. While it’s difficult for some to conjure up reasons for gratitude in these times, I’m an optimist. Here is my list for this year: I’m thankful to live in this country. I believe our democracy has the resilience to withstand the current chaos. It’s survived a full-scale Civil War, …

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