December 16, 2018 archive

A Train Wreck of a Day

We took the train out of Paris to Chartres on Saturday to visit the cathedral. Getting to Gare Montparnasse was a feat in itself, given the closures of many Metro stations due to the Gilets Jaunes (yellow vest) protests. However, we got to the station and reached the town around noon. Lunch was at Tomate …

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A New Title for the Trip

Julian originally called this trip “To the Barricades”, in honor of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) protests that have been occurring every Saturday for several weeks. The more apropos title might be “Aux Églises” (To the Churches). Here’s the rundown of the ones we’ve visited on this trip: St. Denis, Sainte Chapelle, Notre Dame de …

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Montmartre Revisited

In a post three years ago, I registered my reservations about the Montmartre neighborhood of Paris and the Basilica of Sacré-Coeur. We went there today after our sojourn to the Eiffel Tower. It could be that the neighborhood is growing on me, or at least the basilica is. It was much less crowded than in …

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