A Mess of Mergansers

Winter is prime birdwatching season on our stretch of the Sammamish. The bald eagles are back from summering in the mountains. Cormorants flap their wings in dominance rituals on a small sand spit where a creek drains into the river. A snow goose slums with its Canada geese cousins. A great blue heron from the rookery up the road in Kenmore fishes off a snag opposite our townhouse. We’ve even seen a crow dive for fish.

We have a far greater number of mergansers on the river now than in previous years. They’re fun to watch. Instead of tipping over to feed as the mallards do, the mergansers arch their backs and dive into the water. When several do so, their moves rival the best synchronized swim teams. With luck, this mess of mergansers will produce ducklings to watch come May.

What I hope to see this spring. Merganser with ducklings on the Sammamish. Photo courtesy of Julian.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2019/02/02/a-mess-of-mergansers/

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