Are You Sure We’re Sisters?

My sister and I have always been two very different people, despite my mother’s best efforts. (The time that my brother, sister, and I had to wear sailor outfits for formal pictures was considered cruel and unusual punishment by all three of us.) The difference is most evident in our food preferences. My sister listed her three favorite foods while we were driving around this past week: Potatoes, cheese, and macaroni and cheese. I was having a hard time narrowing down my favorite foods except for Vietnamese hot and sour fish soup and bun bo Hue. A few other places where my sister and I diverge food-wise:

  • Mayonnaise. She adores the stuff. I abhor it. She’d get along well in Belgium, where french fries are served with mayo. Here she eats fries with tartar sauce.
  • Fish and seafood. I haven’t seen her eat fish of any type since we were in high school. As for shellfish, she’d utter in disgust, “EEEEUW!”
  • Asian food. She’ll eat Chinese take-out, but that’s about her limit. I nearly passed out when she tried a red bean-stuffed bun at Uwajimaya and said it wasn’t bad. She left the room when my nephew and his wife brought back weird stuff from their trips to Singapore and Japan.
  • Zucchini. She agrees with Julian that it’s an abomination.
  • Sweets. She can take or leave them. I take them – at least the good stuff.

To be fair, she has a more diverse palate than our brother did. He never met a green vegetable he liked.

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