Saturday Mornings in the Library

Saturday is the one day of the week that I can be lazy. Monday through Friday I leave home before 6 for work. Sunday there’s church. So on Saturdays I’ll make an omelet for breakfast with a large pot of tea. I often stay in my bathrobe until after Julian takes his shower. And I often browse the cookbook collection.

Part of the Library.

When you have a collection approaching 600 books (but who’s counting?), there’s ample browsing to be had. Sometimes I look at newer volumes, other times I pick out books I haven’t looked at in a while. The question of what to make for dinner is never far from my mind.

Yesterday’s volume to review was Dorie Greenspan’s Baking Chez Moi. I made her Basque Macarons a couple of years ago. I found a recipe for Alsatian Christmas bread that might be worth making later in the year. It’s gluten-free and egg-free, which would be ideal for our crew. The recipe is mostly dried fruit bound together with almond flour. It’s been bookmarked.

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    • Shira Zucker on November 3, 2019 at 8:51 am
    • Reply

    Looking forward to this!

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