Cosmic Crisp Critique

The big buzz in the apple world these days is the Cosmic Crisp, a variety developed by Washington State University. This is its debut season in grocery stores. It’s a daughter to the ubiquitous Honeycrisp variety.

We were shopping yesterday when we saw a display of Cosmic Crisps. Julian said, “Why don’t you try one and give me a report?” I picked up a single apple. At lunch today, I cut up the apple and gave it a try. Here’s my assessment:

  • Appearance: It’s a pretty apple, suitable for a fruit bowl. When I cut into it, Julian said that it looked almost brown. That may be due to the high sugar content.
  • Texture: It’s definitely crisp and juicy. It’s even juicier than Honeycrisps. Julian tried a small bite: “Too crisp for me.”
  • Taste: As I said in a previous post, I’m not a big fan of super-sweet apples. I’m more fond of old school  East Coast varieties. Give me a McIntosh, Cortland, or Empire any day. Julian has an aversion to some of these varieties due to some chemical, probably the one that makes them attractive to me. His favorite apple: Red Delicious, which is my least favorite.
  • Enzymatic browning: It took me a while to finish the apple. The flesh didn’t get brown as fast as other varieties do.

Overall verdict: Okay if you like sweet apples. If you like apple-tasting apples, go for another variety.

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