The Pineapple Express Aftermath

The Seattle area has had record rainfalls in the last week, courtesy of a climate phenomenon known here as the Pineapple Express. This weather system originates near Hawaii and barrels to the Pacific Northwest. Sometimes the rain is accompanied by high winds. This visit of the Pineapple Express was just rain, rain, and more rain. Skiers are happy, because the rain turns to snow in the Cascades.

As one can imagine, the Sammamish River behind our condo is quite swollen. The sandbar on the other side of the river is completely submerged. There have also been some mudslides here and there. On my way to church I saw a collapsed hillside. Said hillside is adjacent to a recently-built house perched precariously above the street. I daresay the owners are having second thoughts about the integrity of their home.

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