March 2020 archive

Bad News, Good News

Julian was compiling a list of items to order from Amazon/Whole Foods. He came upstairs while I was working on some bread dough. “I have bad news and good news,” he said. “The bad news is there’s no unbleached all-purpose flour to be had.” “What’s the good news?” I asked. “Caffe d’Arte is still shipping …

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Virtual Happy Hour

Just because I’m an introvert doesn’t mean I’m a hermit. This work from home self-isolation stuff, while necessary to flatten the curve of new COVID-19 cases, is miserable. The idea of virtual happy hours has arisen to fill the void. The concept has become so popular that The New York Times published an article on …

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Tonight’s Festive Repast

We ventured out for groceries mid-day today and stocked up on staples. This was several hours before Washington’s Governor put the state on stay at home orders. Julian put a rack of ribs into the cart and decided to smoke them for dinner tonight. He used the tried and true recipe with a homemade western …

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The New Abnormal

Washington is in near lockdown, as are many other states, due to Covid-19. Restaurants and bars are closed except for takeout. (“Hey, bartender, I need a Malayan Fog Cutter to go.”) Schools, community centers, and gyms are closed. Events are canceled. Hospitals and nursing homes are limiting or prohibiting visitors. Elective surgeries are canceled to …

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Life and Food in the Time of COVID-19

We live less than three miles from the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in Washington. Responses of locals range from que sera, sera to full-tilt freakout. I’m trying to hew to a middle path. My primary concession to the outbreak is to drive to work rather than take the bus on days when I don’t …

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First Name Basis

When one has nearly 600 cookbooks, you can go for a while without cracking the spine of a few. Others are used regularly. Then there are the ones that I refer to by the author’s first name. Some of them depend on the context. Here are a few cookbooks to which I refer that way: …

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