Recipe Rummaging Strategies

As with most things, Julian and I have different strategies to answer the eternal question: What’s for dinner? He goes to the internet first and downloads recipes. Some of them are from reliable websites, such as The New York Times and Washington Post. Other sources can be less trustworthy. Then he’ll go to the cookbook library and look at selected volumes. I tend to be just the opposite: I go to the cookbooks first. I’ll download interesting recipes from the aforementioned reliable sources if I’m just surfing and something catches my eye. If I see something interesting in one of my food porn magazines, I’ll mark it for future experimentation.

The stay home, stay healthy edict has expanded the opportunities I have to search for recipes. (I don’t search the web and drive at the same time.) I can spend a few minutes more perusing cookbooks and magazines at breakfast. If something pops up during my morning news read before I log into work, I print it for future reference.

In the last week or so, we’ve reversed roles. Julian actually went to cookbooks first to find a recipe or two this week, while I used some of the recipes he downloaded. However, I’m back to surfing the library for something to do with the lamb shanks we bought yesterday.

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