My Little Farm

It took a while, but this year’s upper deck farm is coming into shape. Two weeks ago I bought a hanging pot of mini tomatoes. Miracle of miracles, I have 3 tiny green tomatoes on the plant. As I’ve mentioned before, growing tomatoes is a faith-based venture here. My next door neighbor planted some tomatoes in a raised bed behind her unit. Julian noticed that the perimeter of the bed resembled a coffin. (Gardening in the time of COVID-19…)

I also have some padron peppers on the upper deck. These I started from seed and they look rather spindly. At the same time, I started some tomatillo and Columbian golden berry plants. I volunteered for a citizen scientist project through the Boyce Thompson Institute at Cornell. These also look pretty spindly. I’m hoping some warm weather will perk them up.

Today I hit Fred Meyer and got three types of basil, red shiso, and a fuchsia. All of them were seriously pot-bound, so I spent the afternoon repotting them. I bought a tomatillo plant, to cheer on the spindly seedlings. I also started some more parsley and garlic chives from seed. The parsley I planted last year is rapidly going to seed. The garlic chives from last year are still fine.

Later this week I may venture to Molbak’s or Sky Nursery to get some more plants for our shady planters in front. One heuchera from last year wintered over well; the others were toast. I may get some bleeding hearts and a few impatiens. The impatiens did very well last year.

Stay tuned for progress reports.

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