Confluence of Chaos

It was bound to happen. A pandemic disease leads to economic meltdown in the shadow of societal polarization. Politicians in charge choose not to rise to the occasion and aid those they represent who are unemployed. It would only take a spark to lead to violence. That occurred with the killing of George Floyd at the knee of a Minneapolis police officer.

I do not condone looting or violence. However, this is a time that eerily mirrors the years 1968-70. Instead of a pandemic, there was the war in Vietnam that polarized society. The economy was on relatively shaky ground in 1970. One could argue that there were repeated sparks during that era, including the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy and the shootings at Kent State and Jackson State. Both times we’ve had presidents prone to overstepping their Constitutional boundaries – or just plain ignoring them.

How do we pull back from chaos? Prosecute those who have perpetrated crimes against individuals and property equally, regardless of status. Expand aid to those who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic. Demand our elected officials pay attention to the facts in the country. If you haven’t registered to vote, do so now. Encourage your friends to register as well. Then vote in November.

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