June 2020 archive

Desperate Times Indeed

For the average armchair sports fan, COVID-19 has been disastrous. No baseball. No NBA playoffs or WNBA games. Limited soccer. An auto race or two. The Belmont Stakes. This afternoon Julian was channel-surfing and discovered a new televised “sport”: The National Cornhole Championship. Cornhole, for the non-cognoscenti, consists of throwing a beanbag at a slanted …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2020/06/27/desperate-times-indeed/

Iron Chef Casa Sammamish

We’d bought some sockeye salmon on sale yesterday and I was puzzling over how to cook it. Julian suggested an Iron Chef challenge. For those of you who are reading this from a television-less bunker, Iron Chef is a cooking competition that originated in Japan where the host unveils a “secret ingredient” that has to …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2020/06/21/iron-chef-casa-sammamish/

Starter Naan (or Naan Starter)

Yeast Mode is the gift that keeps on giving. I’ve never had such a frisky sourdough starter. Tonight I made sourdough naan to go along with red lentil dal for dinner. The recipe came out of Sourdough on the Rise, by Cynthia Lair. Lair is a local cookbook author and teacher who has the YouTube …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2020/06/16/starter-naan-or-naan-starter/

Yeast Mode

I know, everyone and their monkey are into sourdough these days. I had resisted because flour was hard to come by in the early days of the pandemic and our friend Bruce had beaten into my brain that starters need to be fed every day to remain viable and uncontaminated by unfriendly flora. Two weeks …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2020/06/09/yeast-mode/