Hard Times for Optimists

It’s getting harder and harder to look on the bright side of life these days. As I type, the death toll due to Covid-19 in the US has surpassed 200,000. The Federal Government can’t get its act together to put out science-based guidelines for states to follow, let alone approve aid for those who need it most. Many small businesses have given up, including my hair salon and dry cleaner. Here in the Northwest, wildfires are causing mass evacuations and hazardous air quality.

Last Friday was a rough one. I was finishing up work when my cell phone pinged with the news of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death from pancreatic cancer. The knowledge that this president would try to put another Justice on the Supreme Court in the midst of an election campaign was frightening. Julian was close to tears. My first comment was, “And Canada won’t let us in.” Our response was to stay glued to the television news, similar to what we did on September 11, 2001. I picked up our usual Friday night takeout. (In an eerie parallel to our 9/11 dinner, I went to a fish restaurant.) Julian uncorked a bottle of white wine and declared, “This won’t last the night.” It didn’t.

In the words of the late John Lewis, who also succumbed to pancreatic cancer, it’s time to get into some “good trouble.” Work for candidates who will uphold the legacy of Justice Ginsburg. Contribute money to these candidates. Vote, and encourage your friends and family to do so. Take advantage of early voting. We need to get our optimism about our country back.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2020/09/24/hard-times-for-optimists/

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