The Chain of Cranes

I noticed a chain of origami paper cranes tied to a footbridge in the park across the street from our home. A note was attached to the chain. The cranes were folded in memory of an emergency room nurse who died of COVID-19. We’ve gone to the bridge twice since our initial discovery. The chain of cranes is still there, a little weathered but intact.

The challenger in Washington’s gubernatorial race is a virus denier. His whole platform seems to be that citizens of Washington shouldn’t have to wear masks in public places, that it’s an abridgment of freedom. I’d like him to be confronted by family members of the over 2,000 people in our state who’ve died of COVID-19, like this nurse. Only by sacrificing a little freedom in the short term can we gain control over the virus and resume our normal activities. Mask wearing and social distancing save lives.

In memory.

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