A Little Christmas

I was not in the mood for Christmas this year. I didn’t bother decorating. Shopping for presents in person was not a pleasant idea given the rising number of Covid-19 cases and the possibility of encountering infected virus deniers. I did do a quick dive into two stores for presents for my sister’s grandkids – and sent them off at the last possible minute. I was in full bah, humbug mode.

We had one semblance of normal in a virtual white elephant exchange with our friends on Christmas Eve. The Lizards on a Stick made a repeat appearance. Fortunately, we didn’t get them. I got an unopened Ancestry DNA kit. Julian got a pandemic survival kit containing more hand sanitizer, N95 masks, and Lysol.

Christmas started out on a bad note when I managed to spill Julian’s coffee on the white living room carpet as I was wrestling a large package. A half hour of rug cleaning ensued. (Why does anyone put white carpeting in homes? Three places in a row that we’ve rented have had white carpets.) We’d assumed that the package was from Back East. It turned out to be a 12-pack of tissues that Julian had ordered a couple of weeks earlier. We broke down laughing. The rest of the day was much more relaxed, with a walk in the park just before it started raining again. We also finished off the Christmas Eve duck for dinner.

Hope you managed to have a merry little Christmas. Next year, virus permitting, we should have a more normal celebration.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2020/12/26/a-little-christmas/


    • sarah b. shaw on February 1, 2021 at 9:51 am
    • Reply

    Margaret had given me a way into your blog and I truly enjoyed the eulogy to your Mom – it made me remember so much more about your Mom. I read a few of your other writings and truly enjoyed them also, especially the white carpet at Christmas time. I also wonder why people have white carpets!!!
    I also enjoyed seeing your picture as it reminded what you look like – years have a way of taking away things like that. And I said, oh yes, I do remember Cindy. I remember one picture of you and your sister sitting on the front porch at Margaret and Bill’. Soooo cute.
    Thanks for the memories!

    Stay safe and well – Sarah Shaw (Margaret’s younger sister)

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