A large package arrived from my sister. Julian hoped it was more Junior’s cheesecake, as Terry knows how much he likes it. Usually QVC sends that directly to us. In addition, the package was way too big for even Junior’s largest confection. After digging through about a month’s worth of upstate New York newspapers, this is what I found:

It’s a picture of my mother, taken when she was a little girl. I needed a place to hang it, since most of our windows face south and it would get bleached fast. Luckily, the portrait fit on the wall to the left of my desk. Mom never got to visit Casa Sammamish. She was unsteady on her legs and didn’t want to repeat the fall she took in our garage on her last visit to Seattle. In a way, she finally made it here.
Do you know the approximate year your frame was manufactured? (I have a nearly identical frame, I’m trying to confirm the identity of the person portrayed, the frame age would be a clue)