Sourdough Buckwheat Pancakes

Yeast Mode, my sourdough starter, needed a workout. I also had a hankering for pancakes for brunch. So I hybridized a recipe for sourdough buckwheat pancakes.
I started with the recipe on the Bob’s Red Mill buckwheat flour bag, then took liberties. (Yes, Julian, this was a gemisch. Deal with it.) I added 1 cup of buckwheat flour to 1/2 cup of Yeast Mode. I then stirred in 1 cup of water, 1 tablespoon oil, and 2 tablespoons of molasses. I left this to rise on the kitchen counter for about 6 hours while I read the papers and email and went for a 16-mile bike ride.
There didn’t seem to be much action in the bowl when I came down after my shower. I then stirred in a beaten egg and 1/3 cup of nonfat dry milk powder. Suddenly, POOF! Bubbles! Apparently Yeast Mode contains some bacteria that loves lactose. I also stirred in 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a little water to amp up the rising. This recipe made 14 pancakes. I cooked up the rest of the batter and refrigerated the leftovers for future breakfasts.
One note: These pancakes will brown very quickly. You may need to adjust the heat under your frying pan or griddle accordingly.

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