August 2021 archive


The bald eagle nesting pair who live on our street have decamped to their summer aerie. In the meantime, a pair of hawks have apparently taken up squatting in the nest. One hawk sat on a branch of the Douglas fir off our deck for over a half hour the other day. Julian took numerous …

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A Death in the Kitchen

Let’s face it, friends, to stay alive we have to kill other things. Sometimes they’re already dead on arrival in our kitchens; other times we actually do the killing. Last week I had to perform mass murder: Yeast Mode, my sourdough starter, was put out of their misery. Cause of death: Contamination by the wrong …

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A Sign of the Times

I was talking to an acquaintance of mine after church about the drawbacks of working from home. She said, “I’ve forgotten what people look like below their shoulders.” Given the “COVID 19” weight gain some folks have experienced, that may be a good thing.

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In Praise of Smaller Grocery Stores

I like to do our weekly shopping in larger supermarkets. They have the variety of produce and seafood I want. Some of them will cater to ethnic populations in their neighborhoods. But sometimes when I just need to get two or three items on the way home, smaller grocery stores will do the trick. Some …

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