December 2021 archive

Blue-ish Christmas

If anything, my mood this year about the holiday was even worse than it was last year. The continued claustrophobia of working from home and the pandemic wore on my psyche big time. Add to that the losses of my mom in January and Luka earlier in the week and you have a recipe for …

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Elegy for Luka

Luka, our elder states cat, died today at the age of 14 1/2. He probably had cancer. The vet who euthanized him also euthanized his predecessor, Jasper, years ago. Julian and I were able to be with him when he died. Luka came to us from a breeder in Ohio in August 2007. I picked …

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Spatchcock that Turkey

It’s been a while since I’ve made turkey on Thanksgiving. Last year we made duck, then for several years before that we went to friends’ houses for the holiday. This year we hosted two other couples and made the turkey. I’m not wedded to the Norman Rockwell idea of an intact turkey, perfectly browned, coming …

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