Easter in Paris

Easter is a big deal in Paris. It’s a religious holiday, and the kids are out of school tomorrow. Today’s a big deal for me as well, as it was 40 years ago today when I was nearly killed in an auto accident. Most years the day goes by without my remembering, but this year was different. Maybe it was the juxtaposition with Easter.

After breakfast at the apartment, we headed toward the Eiffel Tower. First stop was Notre Dame. We heard bells ringing. Since it was unsafe for mere mortals to go into the towers, we were puzzled. It was a carillon on wheels.

Have bells, will travel. At the time I took this picture, the chimes master was playing “Stormy Weather”.

We walked along the quay on the Left Bank for a while. We found a Muscle Beach of sorts on the riverbank below the Musée d’Orsay. A yoga class was in swing, some people were boxing, and others were doing strength training.

Lunch was at the Bistro PTT on Rue Cler, near where we stayed on our last two visits. An oyster shucker was hard at work on the sidewalk. A French bulldog discovered the bucket full of empty shells and dove in. The dog was obviously a regular, as it came into the restaurant and visited us.

It was quiet when we left the apartment. Not so when we got back. Every Berthillon ice cream stand had a long line. We went to Sacha Finkelsztajn to get sandwiches – chopped liver for Julian, pastrami for me. Because it’s Passover, our sandwiches were made on Matzoh bread – matzoh meal reconstituted and baked. Very heavy. The pastrami was good. Not quite a traditional Easter dinner, but it worked for us.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2022/04/17/easter-in-paris/

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