Ducklings and Goslings

We haven’t seen many ducklings and goslings this year. Some of that is due to our vacation last month. Late April is prime gosling hatch time. Most of the goslings we’ve seen lately are in the awkward teenage stage. The ducklings are staying well concealed. I’ve seen a couple of clutches of them, but not as many as in years past.

The main reason, at least from my vantage point, is the plethora of predators in the neighborhood. Our backyard leading to the river is in the direct sightline of a bald eagle nest. We often see one or the other eagle (Eddie and Emily) on a branch above the nest scouring the neighborhood for a meal. Then there are the coyotes. This is the time of year when pups are born and need to be weaned. Yesterday morning I saw a clutch of mallard adults and ducklings rush into the river. A coyote was sauntering up the riverbank, obviously in search of breakfast. It’s no wonder that our local waterfowl prefer more sheltered locations to raise their young.

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