Introducing Dudley

We acquired a new family member earlier this month, Dudley. He’s a Russian Blue from the same cattery where we got Luka and Neli. As you can tell by the photo below, he meows a lot. He didn’t read the breed’s Code of Conduct that states that Russian Blues are quiet. And yes, his ears are really that big. He might grow into them eventually. Then again, he could always look like Baby Yoda.

Luka and Neli were both shipped to us by the breeder. This year airlines didn’t want to be responsible for any animals traveling unaccompanied with the number of canceled flights. I recounted our tale of woe getting to Grand Rapids in an earlier post. So we met the breeder at the Cleveland Airport for the flight back to Seattle. This was the first time we’d met her in person. She’s been breeding these cats for many years and socializes them well.

Dudley slept in his carrier under the seat for the first half of the flight, then he started to meow. And meow. And meow. Luckily, his meows were drowned out by the preponderance of screaming toddlers on the plane. And he yowled all the way home in the car. Luckily, a little food and a quiet room calmed him down so we could sleep through the night.

As for the introduction to Neli, it’s a work in progress after two weeks. Dudley follows her around and wants to play. She wants no part of this usurper, and emphasizes it with growls, hisses, and occasional slaps. The Tsarina shall remain the alpha cat despite Dudley’s efforts. A détente may happen at some point.

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