Kitten-Proofing a Home

Acclimating Dudley to our home has been challenging. We haven’t had a kitten in over 11 years, so we’re a bit rusty in kitten-proofing. In addition, our previous two homes were ranches. We didn’t have to worry about what might be going on upstairs or downstairs. Each feline has its own personality quirks to consider as well. A few examples of lessons learned the hard way:

Dudley loves to explore the kitchen counters. He’s taken off with some pea pods and shishito peppers I had on the counters. Last night I came upstairs to find that he’d walked across the touch pad to the induction range and turned on a burner with a dirty pan on top. Luckily, I was able to clean out the burnt on food. Henceforth, we will lock the range controls and remove pans from the burners.

He is also obsessed with wires. I haven’t had a cat so interested in cords since Roscoe 40 years ago. Back then it was just electric cords, not the plethora of chargers and computer hardware we have in the office.

The relationship with Neli is still a work in progress. They have been within six inches of each other without a a fight breaking out – for about 30 seconds. Then Neli starts hissing and the chase is on. We’re hoping that once he has his little operation, things will calm down.

Despite all the chaos, Dudley can be a very sweet little boy. He’ll sit with us for more than 15 minutes while we’re watching television. He also tolerates his pedicures because he knows he’ll get a treat at the end. He has potential to be a great lap cat.

A rare moment of repose for Dudley.

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    • Susan on October 18, 2022 at 7:41 pm
    • Reply

    Beautiful picture. I love the ears.

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