Snow Dazed

Snow days aren’t what they used to be. The three of us would wait breathlessly to hear, “Hannibal Central School is closed”, from the TV or radio. It always seemed as if Hannibal was the last school in the county to close. We believed that if the district superintendent couldn’t see the barn across the street from his house, school would close. I don’t know why some enterprising student didn’t test this hypothesis by covering his front windows with spray-can snow.

As an adult, I also looked forward to snow days. When I lived in Dallas, I heard on TV that the Medical Center where I worked and took classes was closed. HOT DOG! I shoveled my driveway and sidewalk, then shoveled my elderly neighbors’ drive and walk as well. Ruby and Virgil thought I was stark raving mad, but they appreciated it. Little did I know that UT-Southwestern issued a retraction of the closure while I was shoveling. To quote a former governor of Texas, “Oops.” Later on, I used snow days as an excuse to play in the kitchen (see this post).

Now that I’m working from home, a snow day is just another day. I log onto my work computer and slave away. Earlier in the week, I amused myself for an hour shoveling my driveway. I logged it on the Apple Watch as “functional strength training.” The result was a dry and clear driveway so I could drag the trash cans back into the garage without risking a broken leg. Unfortunately, we got an ice storm overnight. Today our driveway could be used as a luge track. The weather’s supposed to warm up this afternoon so we might be able to get out and fetch groceries, including our traditional Christmas duck.

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