Dudley is One Now

Dudley turned one year old on April 3. He’s a devious dude. His latest obsession is the laser printer. (to the left in the picture below). If he hears it turn on, he runs to see what comes out. He’ll sit next to it, even if it’s off, and hope something appears. Here he is attempting to stay warm on my work laptop. Luckily, I had the keyboard locked at the time. He also dives behind the stereo cabinet despite our best efforts to block it off. Fortunately, he can get out without our trying to move those heavy bookcases.

His relationship with our elder states cat, Neli, is still a work in progress. Sometimes they can sleep very close to one another. Then one or the other wakes up and chaos ensues. He mooches her food, she mooches his. It hasn’t occurred to either of them that they’re getting the exact same thing.

Despite his craziness, he’s a very sweet fellow. He likes to sit on a lap while we’re working or watching TV. He’s got a loud purr and chats with us. Unlike Neli, he’s not shy about meeting new people. He’s a keeper.

Trying to edit my work.

(Yes, it’s been a while since I last posted. Expect new content in the near future.)

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2023/04/05/dudley-is-one-now/


    • Shira Zucker on April 6, 2023 at 9:41 am
    • Reply

    Happy birthday Dude!

    • Jennifer on April 6, 2023 at 7:31 am
    • Reply

    Happy Birthday Dudley!

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