A Hole in the Skyline

There’s a hole in the skyline of our neighborhood. The Douglas fir holding the eagles’ nest was taken down the day after Labor Day. The tree was dead and needed to be taken down before it fell and caused property or bodily harm. The Homeowners’ Association had to obtain numerous permits from local, state, and Federal authorities to remove the tree because it housed a protected species. We also had to wait until the eagle family left for their summer nest in the mountains. Their departure occurred later than in past years. This year’s eaglet, Junior, was a bit of a slow learner.

The tree’s demise did not go unnoticed by the neighbors. One neighbor hosted a celebration of the tree’s life two days before it came down. The contractors had an audience watching the show, including Julian. Julian’s photos of the event are posted here. Unfortunately, this was our first day back from Europe and I was up to my eyebrows cleaning out my inbox of 2 1/2 weeks of work emails.

Even though the tree’s been gone for over two months, we still catch ourselves looking toward the sky where the nest used to be. I hope the birds build a new nest in the neighborhood so we can keep track of them going forward.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2023/11/15/a-hole-in-the-skyline/

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