More Paris vs. Lyon Smackdown

Here are a few more comparisons we noted between the two cities:

Security: We encountered much fewer grifters and panhandlers in Lyon. It could be because of the lower numbers of suckers… I mean tourists. I’m sure that more must appear during big events, such as the Fête des Lumières in December and the current film festival. We felt safe walking around, even after dark.

Transit: Lyon’s trams, subways, and buses put Paris (and Seattle) to utter shame. They are clean and reasonably new. Both Paris and Lyon use the same carnet system if you don’t have a refillable card. We had an easy time negotiating the system.

Dogs: We saw fewer dogs getting walked, at least in the neighborhood of our hotel.

Cats: We only saw one loose on the streets. We saw two in carriers. Maybe the swans got the other strays.

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