Are We in the End Times, October 2016 Edition

I’m not talking politics. This concerns the state of college and professional sports. Let me count the ways:

  • The University of Washington whupped Stanford on Friday night;
  • Washington State University (winless two years ago) shellacked Oregon yesterday;
  • The University of North Carolina beat Florida State yesterday;
  • Cornell has won two games in a row, including their Homecoming bout against Yale;
  • The Buffalo Bills beat the New England Patriots 16-0, the first time the Patriots have been shut out since 1993;
  • The Chicago Cubs have the best record in Major League Baseball going into the playoffs.

The last one is definitely a harbinger of the end of days.

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    • Celinda Crego on October 2, 2016 at 7:30 pm
    • Reply

    Cornell has won 3 games in a row – the first 3 of the season (more than they usually win in a season).
    On Saturday, Oct 1, they beat Colgate (#25) in Hamilton. Score was 39 to 38 – Cornell came from behind to win.

    1. Holy mackerel! The last time I remember Cornell doing this well was when I was in grad school and it shared the Ivy League title with Penn.

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