
Tomorrow is Election Day. With luck, our long national nightmare will soon be over. This campaign has taken a toll on families and friendships. Soon we won’t have to deal with negative ads – for at least a few weeks.

Washington State has a couple of quirks to its election system. We have a top-two primary system. Several races have two opponents of the same party competing. For example, the race in the 7th Congressional District has two Democrats vying for votes. In addition, we have vote by mail. You can drop off your ballot at various locations if you’re too cheap to put it in the mail. The ballots arrived almost three weeks ago. We both sent off our ballots well in advance of the deadline. This has significantly reduced the amount of campaign flyers we’ve received in the mail; however, we still have to deal with the wall-to-wall ads.

The advantage of living on the Left Coast is that most of the returns will be in before I have to get in bed. Let’s hope the results are definitive.

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    • Shira on November 9, 2016 at 5:36 am
    • Reply

    I never believed that Julian’s worst fears could be realized. Sad. Scared. Sickened.

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