Thoughts for the Day

This July 4th, we need to recall some voices from the past to bring us back to our best selves as Americans. These quotes were originally published in The Nation in 1991.

“The term ‘patriotism’ seems to be raised most often in the context of military action and at times has been used as a test of support for our country’s military activities. But I understand it to include a respect for contrasting viewpoints, an acceptance of dissent, a tolerance–and even a welcoming–of the clashing diversity of voices that is uniquely American…. A proper patriotism would recognize that there are no absolutes when it comes to solving our social and international problems, except the standard by which we must judge all goals–our willingness to help one another, and to help others.” – Mario Cuomo, former governor of New York

“I believe patriotism is best expressed in our works, not our parades. We are the heirs of the most magnificent political legacy any people has ever been given. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident…’ It is the constant struggle to protect and enlarge that legacy, to make sure that it applies to all citizens, that patriotism lies… Vote, write, speak, work, march, sue, organize, fight, struggle – whatever it takes to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” – Molly Ivins

My pitiful prose can’t compete with Mario and Molly, but I second their emotions. Happy Independence Day!

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