Grilled Pizza and Gridiron

The Seattle Seahawks had a Friday night exhibition game, and it was my night to provide dinner. I had a hankering for pizza, but knew that every pizza joint in western Washington would be slammed. Therefore, I took matters into my own hands.
I’ve grilled pizza several times before. It sounds more imposing than it is. Make a standard-issue pizza crust dough. The dough shouldn’t be slack (wet). Let it rise until doubled, then stretch the dough out to shape. Heat up the grill, grease the grates well, and slide the circle/rectangle/whatever of dough on the grill. Cover the grill and let the crust cook for about 3-5 minutes. The grill should be hot – 400° or higher. With tongs, turn the crust over to finish cooking. While that’s occurring, you can spread on the tomato sauce, add cheese, pepperoni, etc. Cover the grill again and let cook about 5 minutes more until the cheese is oozy. Carefully ease the pizza off the grill onto a cutting board, baking pan, or pizza peel and chow down.

I opted to make pizza Margherita, since I had extra sauce in the fridge and a bumper crop of basil. I stopped on the way home to pick up some mozzarella cheese and other provisions. Julian came up from the office as I set the dough aside to rise. “When is this pizza going to enter my belly?” he asked. “About the end of the first quarter,” I replied. Actually, the pizza was done midway through the first quarter. A fine accompaniment to watching the home team win.

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