La Fête, Jour Deux

We didn’t get a very early start on Friday. We had a pasta brunch at the restaurant across the street, then did laundry. After that we took the tram up Croix-Rousse. Dinner options on the hilltop were spotty, but we found a Japanese restaurant, Yoshi. Most of this place’s business seemed to be in takeout and delivery. I had udon soup with beef skewers and two shrimp nems (egg rolls), while Julian had a bento box with duck.

The purpose of going up to Croix-Rousse was to go through the fête installation going down the hill by Le Montana, the North African restaurant where we had lunch earlier. This was a nightmare for a claustrophobe like me. The crowd was funneled down a narrow stairway with movie music and mirrors on either side of the path. The safety side of my brain was thinking that if someone panicked, there could be some heavy duty injuries. Luckily, nobody did.

We continued down the hill along with several thousand new-found friends. It seemed as if each block had several entrepreneurs selling vin chaud (hot red wine), cocoa, and snacks for the crowd. The French aren’t much for street food, but they made an exception for the Fête.The most interesting display of the evening was the Spider Circus, light tubes set up to resemble spiders scampering around a circus ring to appropriate music. Very cute. We wandered back to the hotel to have some pastry I’d bought in the morning and crash.

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