White Christmas at Casa Sammamish

The Seattle area has not seen a white Christmas since the weeklong snowstorm of 2008. This was when our neighbors turned our street into a sled run for the annual Candy Cane Lane festivities.You can see pictures on Julian’s Zenfolio site. The then-Seattle mayor graded his handling of snow removal on the streets as a B. The voters of Seattle thought otherwise and voted him out of office the following year – during the primary.

The snow started falling yesterday during the Seahawks-Cowboys game. I was too busy chopping up and roasting vegetables to notice until just before we left for the annual Christmas Eve dinner-white elephant gift exchange. We took Julian’s car and made it to our friends’ house. After living in that neighborhood for 10 years, I knew the least steep way to get there. A fine time was had by all. Julian got a crafts with cat hair book, while I got a Rosie the Riveter action figure. We went back the way we came, without drama.

The snow was still around when I got up this morning. With luck, it will be gone before I have to go to work tomorrow. Merry Christmas!

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2017/12/25/white-christmas-at-casa-sammamish/

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