On New Year’s Day

We spent New Year’s Eve with our former neighbors. Our host made black-eyed pea soup, while Julian and I brought the fixings for raclette. After dinner we played Taboo. The party broke up around 11, so I was in bed by midnight. Julian was left to eat his stroke-of-midnight herring with the cats. (He believes that if you eat herring at the stroke of midnight, you’ll have a good year. I think he and his friend Scott concocted this superstition as an excuse to eat herring.)
As the U2 song says, all was quiet today. I thought about riding the bike up to Matthews Beach to watch the Polar Bear Plunge, but thought better of it when I checked the outdoor temperature. After lunch, Julian and I went for a walk around the former golf course (aka Bothell’s newest park). We started off on the back 9. A little snow and ice were still on the ground, but it was mostly mud. The gate between the back 9 and Blyth Park was open, which allowed walkers to do a larger loop. We crossed the street to walk the front 9. The front 9 is much boggier than the back 9. We were joined by many other people walking their kids and dogs on both halves of the park.

Happy New Year. I hope you all have a happy, healthy, and peaceful 2018.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2018/01/02/on-new-years-day/

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