You Can Take the Scientist Out of the Lab…

But you can’t take the lab out of the scientist. Although I haven’t worked in a lab for over 15 years, I still use my scientific chops in the kitchen when I cook or bake.

  • Do the background research. Back in the day, I’d pull research articles and evaluate the methods and results. Now I hunt and evaluate recipes for feasibility.
  • Formulate the null and alternate hypotheses. Primary null hypothesis: This recipe won’t work. Primary alternate hypothesis: This recipe will work. Secondary null hypothesis: Julian will be unimpressed.
  • Follow the protocol – I mean recipe. Take note of any deviations or substitutions (known here as gemisches).
  • Analyze the data, i.e., taste the results. Did we reject both null hypotheses?
  • If the null hypotheses stand, discard the recipe or see what can be changed to improve it. If we reject the null hypotheses, replicate the recipe.

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