The Last Road Trip

Last weekend’s road trip to British Columbia was the last for Frau Blücher (neigh…), my 2010 Volkswagen Jetta not-so-clean diesel. She went out in a blaze of glory. We took her up twisty mountain roads and through traffic jams in Vancouver and on Interstate 5. She performed like a champ, as always.

Today I turned Die Frau in for a 2019 Jetta. It has the safety features that I wanted without having to pay $10K more for a GTI. It also has mood lighting, which I can live without. The external color is blue. It has yet to be named, although I’m leaning toward Marlene (as in Marlene Dietrich, star of The Blue Angel).

Die Frau conveniently was moved out of the dealership lot immediately after the VW rep took pictures of it before we signed her away. Maybe they were worried I’d have second thoughts. Given the low mileage, VW can probably do the fix and resell her. We saw a refurbished diesel at another dealership.

Auf wiedersehen, Frau. Und danke schön.

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