Holiday Weekend

The last couple of years, Passover and Easter have coincided. Last night was our traditional Mixed-Marriage Passover Seder. Twenty celebrants ate matzoh and read the Haggadah. Our contributions to the festivities were pavlova with strawberries and a roasted carrot salad. The latter was my invention. I roasted about 3 pounds of carrots sprinkled with salt and pepper,  and tossed them with lemon juice, a little olive oil, and Penzey’s Italian herb seasoning. I used that  mixture because it doesn’t contain any garlic, onion, or chile/red pepper. Both were well received. The Haggadah reading was more resonant with me this year than in previous years, particularly the parts that mentioned “we were once strangers in Egypt”. The hosts’ cousin brought a special Seder feature, Plague Puppets. I am not making these up.

After I got home from church, we drove out to Monroe to a cat show. Unfortunately, Julian read the date wrong: The cat show is this coming weekend.  Easter dinner included the usual lamb and mint sauce with potato latkes (frozen, not from scratch), leftover carrot salad, and roasted padron peppers. Julian made a fruit salad for dessert.

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