Calling a Spade a Spade

The title of this post was a popular slang term in our parents’ or grandparents’ day. More recent equivalents are telling it like it is, cutting the crap, or speaking truth. It’s time for all good people to call a spade a spade: The current President is racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, and a serial liar. Not to mention narcissistic.

Back in the day, children were told that their Presidents set (some) examples that should be followed. Franklin Roosevelt, who battled back from polio. Dwight Eisenhower, a self-effacing war hero. John F. Kennedy, the first Roman Catholic President. Barack Obama, the first African-American President. I am hard-pressed to see anything worthy to emulate in our 45th President.  I certainly wouldn’t want my 5-year-old nephew to do so.

Today’s post coincides with the death of former US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. Stevens earned a Bronze Star in World War II and was the 3rd-longest-serving Supreme Court Justice in history. At a gathering with his former law clerks earlier this year, Stevens exhorted  them to keep fighting for the rule of law. Now there’s an example worth emulating. Be at peace, Justice Stevens.

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