The New Abnormal

Washington is in near lockdown, as are many other states, due to Covid-19. Restaurants and bars are closed except for takeout. (“Hey, bartender, I need a Malayan Fog Cutter to go.”) Schools, community centers, and gyms are closed. Events are canceled. Hospitals and nursing homes are limiting or prohibiting visitors. Elective surgeries are canceled to conserve limited stocks of personal protective equipment. My friends on the Infection Prevention team are working 24/7 to keep patients and caregivers safe, as are the infectious disease docs.

I’m now in mandatory work from home mode. I have remote access to my work computer, but it’s slow going. I miss seeing my fellow cube farmers. I’m keeping my usual work hours at home. Since I’m a morning person and Julian isn’t, I can get a lot done before he comes down to the office.

Friday afternoon I went outside and spoke to several of my neighbors (with acceptable social distancing). My next door neighbor was planting more stuff on the strip of dirt between our units. She’d gotten some huge ferns for free from a plot of land that was being bulldozed to build more soul-less townhouses. (To quote Malvina Reynolds: “Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky-tacky…”) Two other neighbors reminded me why I love our neighborhood: It’s like living in a national park because we’re surrounded by park land with a river running through it.

Luckily, our fridge and chest freezer are well stocked for the moment. We’ve been cooking mostly comfort food that can serve as lunch leftovers. I made baked penne, while Julian made some navy bean soup. Tonight I’ll make quiche with some vegetable and cheese odds and ends. Eggplant parmigiana may be tomorrow’s dinner, as we have two eggplant that need to be used up.

Although things may be ugly for a while, I’m trying to stay optimistic. In the words of our former chief of cardiac surgery, “We shall prevail.”

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