The Swimming Eagle

I’m always amazed at the wildlife behaviors we see at Casa Sammamish. This morning I saw one of our neighborhood eagles fishing on the other side of the river from our home. Suddenly it jumped into the water and started swimming. Yes, friends, eagles swim. Badly. They stroke with their wings, a cross between flailing and freestyle. The eagle persisted and got to our side of the river. In its talons was a good-sized salmon or trout. It then proceeded to gut the fish. The crows took over once the eagle had its fill. No trace of the fish an hour later.

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    • Julian on April 16, 2020 at 11:20 pm
    • Reply

    There are videos of swimming eagles on the web. They rotate their wings in unison, like the butterfly stroke. This page, at the NPR website, has two videos and some comments from an eagle researcher:

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