A Hairy Situation

What’s up with all of the beards I’ve seen during the pandemic? Have razors become the latest shortage? Politicians like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, although Paul subsequently got rid of his. (One unruly mop of hair on his head was probably enough.) Football players. Apple Store employees.

The preponderance of facial hair can make it difficult to fit a mask properly. When we were at the Apple Store last week, about half of the male employees had bushy beards that pushed out their masks. This should be concerning, especially in areas where social distancing may not be feasible.

A friend of mine is a pediatrician who’s had a beard for 40 years. He recently downsized to a goatee to make sure his face masks would fit snugly when he saw patients and their parents. A word from a wise man.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2020/10/04/a-hairy-situation/

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