Can’t Drive Twenty-Five

The city of Seattle has imposed a 25 mph speed limit on most arterials (main drags) and 20 mph on side streets. While the goal of reducing pedestrian and bicycle fatalities is admirable, the speed limits will be almost universally ignored.

We have firsthand experience of the futility of 25 mph speed limits. Our cul-de-sac empties onto a street with that limit. It’s a de facto arterial because many people use the street to avoid driving on Western Washington’s Longest Parking Lot (alias I-405). The speed limit is flouted by nearly every car on the street. One crosses the street at significant peril to life and limb. The city put a “Your Speed” sign on the street for a few weeks some years ago. It didn’t work, except when a Bothell Police car was stationed a block up the street in plain view of the speeders.

If Seattle is serious about the lower speed limits, it should back them up with aggressive enforcement. Given the dire budgetary straits due to Covid-19, speeding tickets could be an untapped source of funds. Something to consider.

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