Pizza Night

While ordering pizza is easy, making it isn’t particularly difficult. Making your own allows you to get the crust as thin or thick as you like. You can add a little whole wheat flour, or even sourdough starter. You can also put whatever you’ve got in the fridge or cupboard on the pie.

Tonight’s pizza was relatively unadorned: Canned pasta sauce, mozzarella cheese, and kalamata olives. I made the dough in the morning. I used a Mark Bittman recipe that came together in the food processor. I added a little Yeast Mode for flavor more than leavening. In retrospect, I probably should have used more all-purpose flour rather than bread flour. The resulting dough was quiet glutenous. After a while it covered the bottom of the half sheet pan. I added the toppings and baked for about 15 minutes. An easy dinner.

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    • Jennifer on March 1, 2021 at 6:30 am
    • Reply

    My favorite pizza dough is a focaccia bread recipe from “Great Whole Grain Breads” by Beatrice Ojakangas (I just used that recipe to make focaccia last night actually). It’s a stir-and-pour yeast bread, so it’s quick and easy, and the starchy parts are rolled oats and whole wheat flour — you just mix up the ingredients, spread it on the pan, let it rise for 30 minutes, and bake for 20 minutes. It isn’t a super-thick or super-thin crust when it’s used for pizza, but somewhere in between. I’ve also adapted it to make a pretty yummy cinnamon breakfast bread, by adding a little sugar to the dough and topping with cinnamon-sugar instead of either pizza toppings or the olive oil and herbs I use for focaccia.

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