Life with the Nag-O-Matic

Julian and I both have Apple Watches. He uses his more for the Apple Pay app – “Watches are so 20th century.” I use mine for activity monitoring, hence the name Nag-O-Matic.

At 50 minutes of each hour, I get the message, “Time to stand.” If I’m in the office, I walk around for a minute. Or I time my trips upstairs to the bathroom to coincide with the stand command. I get extra calorie points if I go two flights up to the master bathroom.

The move and exercise features have some glitches to them. I’ve had the exercise feature undercount my minutes of activity when I’m out for a walk or bike ride. Sometimes it will ask if I need to pause my workout; other times it doesn’t. The watch will gently remind me that a brisk 25-minute walk will help me reach my goals – just before I’m ready to turn in for the night.

Every so often I get notification that the watch has bestowed some cheesy award upon me: “Congratulations! You met your stand goal all last week!” Alternately, it’ll entice me with the promise of another cheesy award: “Just burn 3000 calories in the next two days and you’ll reach your exercise goal for the month!” This morning it enticed me with the promise of a cheesy award for the month of May: “Surpass 21 days of workouts of greater than 15 minutes!” Maybe…

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