Bittersweet Homecoming

I’m back east for my mother’s graveside service on Wednesday. Everything was arranged by my sister and niece, all I had to do was fly back.
Flying these days is even more of a slog than it was before Covid-19. It’s not just the masking, other “details” have been added to maximize your misery. Airport security takes longer to negotiate. Folks had to take off their shoes unless they were in the TSA PreCheck program. I flashed my newly-minted Trusted Traveler card (with the photo that makes me look like I got roughed up by the photographer beforehand) so I could wear my shoes. Computers and tablets also had to come out of bags again.
More misery-making: If you’re not in First Class, forget about any food or beverage service (free or paid). I had an hour layover in Charlotte between flights. I thought I might be able to grab a quick breakfast. No.Such.Luck. I had to traverse most of the airport to reach the connecting flight gate. The restaurants on the way had long lines, which negated the chance to get anything to eat or drink. Luckily, I was able to sweet-talk the flight attendant to bring me some water on the flight to Syracuse so my kidneys wouldn’t shut down.
The upside to this trip is getting to see family and some friends. My niece’s kids are growing fast. The older one is about to become a Known Teenager. On Wednesday I’ll meet my nephew’s toddler, who was in utero when I last flew east. Thursday I’ll go out to lunch with three high school classmates. And I may need some Ithaca therapy. Stay tuned.

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