First Impressions of Venice

We landed in Venice yesterday afternoon. We bid our rental car farewell at the airport. Although it was the priciest option, we took a water taxi from the airport to St. Mark’s Square. The lagoon was full of other water taxis and craft kicking up wakes. I was having a blast bouncing up and down as we made it into town. We immediately ran into the first impression:

Claustrophobic. St. Mark’s Square is tourist central. A large wedding party blocked our way off the dock when we landed. We had to repeat, “Scusi, scusi…” to get through the crowd onto dry land. Then we had to negotiate the throngs in the square to reach our rental apartment. We got to the apartment earlier than our greeter could, so we cooled our heels at a bar nearby. When the greeter brought us upstairs to the apartment and opened the door, I had my second first impression:

Clammy. This is to be expected, as Venice is an island cross-hatched by canals. I noticed the oppressive humidity when we first landed in Venice last week. Fortunately, the rains of the last few days have moderated the temperature. I was running out of socks, so I hand-washed three pairs last night. Two pairs are still wet. If you work up a sweat walking around, it will not evaporate and cool you off.

More impressions of Venice to come.

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