The Cult of Sky Flakes

Behold, the Sky Flakes cracker. To the uninitiated, it looks like a standard-issue saltine. Not to my coworkers. Sky Flakes have risen to the level of a cult.

Who knew that a modest cracker could inspire such devotion?

Sky Flakes are made in the Philippines and available in the US online or at Asian groceries in places with large Filipino populations. Unlike American-made saltines, Sky Flakes are made with palm and coconut oils, which are more available there than soybean oil. The upside from this recovering dietitian: Less hydrogenated fat, since palm and coconut oils are quite saturated to begin with. The downside from same: It’s saturated fat. Sky Flakes also don’t have salt sprinkled on top, like American saltines.

The cult of Sky Flakes began in my department when Eva was hired. Even though we had three other Filipinos in our group at the time, Eva was the one who brought in tins of crackers and told us to help ourselves. Never being ones to turn down free food, we did. Sky Flakes got us through long days of meetings and data abstractions. One of my coworkers practically lived on Sky Flakes several years ago.

Last week we had a holiday potluck at work. Our manager brought a tub of Sky Flakes. Since we had several new people in the group, they needed to be initiated into the cult. The initiation was a success. I fully expect that Asian grocery stores in the area will have a run on these crackers very soon.

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